Thursday, November 10, 2011

Self Love!

Real Love begins with self acceptance. Self evaluation is painful when acknowledging your flaws and faults that maybe brought before you by family, friends or even those you work with. Many people blame others for trials/tribulations that arise in their life to simply take responsibility off of themselves. Change is strange, but is necessary for living life to the fullest, enjoying every moment and loving yourself so much that you begin to strengthen your weak areas. No one should remain the same, but get better with time.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Love Conquers!

Love can conquer anything! Do you believe this or is it just a pretty saying in your head? As we grow in relationships with people whether it's family, friends or someone we are in a relationship with, business, etc. We must understand that people are people! They go through ups and downs just as we do. Many interject their frustrations on us at times. Some give their word and don't follow through. Others treat us in a way that's not pleasant. How do we handle it? It doesn't feel good when we're on the receiving end so we must take note on how we treat people at all times. What we give is what we get and when it comes our way many times we react in a negative way. But a loving answer or response will change any situation to our benefit. Let's not take it personal, but remember that we're not perfect either. Love at all times and if we've treated someone in a way that's not favorable, apologize. I'm not saying we shouldn't confront when necessary, but make sure that when we do it's done to bring resolution that's beneficial for all.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How Do You Love Those Who Hurt You?

True love isn't base on any conditions. It is unconditional. The sacred scriptures call it, Agape Love. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The Most High loved the entire world. This includes the saints and the sinners and gave us all the opportunity to obtain everlasting life. I know that I and many of you, your parents nor grandparents were born before this act of love took place; the Crucifixion of Yeshua/"Jesus" who knew NO SIN, but became SIN for each and everyone of us. This is REAL LOVE, one that surpasses anything horrible anyone can ever do on this earth...and yet if one comes into the consciousness of what was done for all humanity, he/she has the same right to eternal life as anyone else alive. HOW AWESOME IS THIS!

Now, are you operating in Agape Love? When someone wrongs/hurts you, do you hold it against them? Do you tell all their business? Do you seek revenge? Do you change? If you planned to do something for them, do you change your mind? Tit for tit..Tat for tat? If so, what makes you any different from them? What reward it is to love someone who already loves you? The great reward is the unconditional love for even those who rise up against you, talk about you behind your back, etc. Loving them in spite of.....unconditional....just because....Agape Love.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If You Love Someone, Tell Them...Show Them!

What do you do with feelings of admiration you've had towards someone, but never shared? Why did you hold on to those feelings? Was it fair to the other person? Were you being fair to yourself? Well, I've been through it and watched a friend go through his dating phases while I sat on the side lines with feelings of, "that could be me." This went on for many years as we both went on living our separate lives, losing connection for a short while and finding each other again. One day it all came out in the open and to my surprise he felt the same way too, but our lives are so different now. Don't wait another minute if you are experiencing this. For me there is always a thought in the back of my mind wondering what would our lives be like today if we were just upfront and honest with each other in the beginning? If you love someone, tell them, show them, but never use it as a mechanism to control them. Love has no attachments, it's unconditional.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Is True Love?

True Love isn't based on conditions, but is unconditional. Many people love based on personality desires. What I mean is, what a person does for them or how he/she makes them feel. This is all based on good and pleasant experiences. But what happens when all trials and challenges take place. Most people don't hang in there when the fire/heat is turned up. They live in a fairytale built on false concept of love based on their own selfish intentions. Personality desires have many ego tripping. They become attached to a person's status, title, possessions, good looks, sweet words, etc. and if the one chosen doesn't live up to the crazy concept in of how it should be...he/she, the chooser runs away to find a new experience. This is why so many relationships/marriages fail.

Love is centered around NO conditions, NO labels, NO title, etc. Those things aren't the essence of a person anyway. The beauty is getting to know someone outside of all the superstition of materialism and then those things will compliment. Love only works if the two become friends. Love is friendship on fire-and I mean passionate flames.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The One Who Loves the Most Has the Power!

There is a saying, "The one who loves the least has the most power!" That is so far from the truth. Love conquers all! Love is such a powerful force that it is long suffering. John 3:16 declares that the Most High loved us so much he gave his only begotten son. So we are alive on this earth today not because we did anything so great to deserve it, but by his love. Actually, the sacred scriptures declare that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of the Most High. But He looked past our faults and short comings and demonstrated love in spite of. It's the same for those who have children that disobey you; you don't stop loving them. You may discipline them, but through your love because you desire the best for them. Love helps to transform the life of someone who repeatedly does wrong and you never turn your back on them-not to say you won't show them tough love, but you are still there.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let Love Flow and E-Go!

Many people will never encounter love for the fear of getting hurt. So they go through life in a vicious cycle of falseness. This is the mask of the ego that covers to "guard the heart" so to speak. A mask is used as a covering to disguise, conceal or hide the real true nature of you and I, that divine spark of the Most High God that everyone alive shares as individual beings, but it is ALL ONE! So, therefore the ego, E=Edges; G=God; O=Out. Then one functions in doubt, anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, guilt, shame, anger, rage, jealousy, envy, deceit, on and on and on. God is nothing more than Love being open and connected to universal intelligence of infinite wisdom. In trusting this and our oneness with it, we are free to know that every true desire of our heart has its destiny awaiting for us to take the action of faith towards it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

True Love Isn't Built on Past Experiences!

I've been dealt a slack hand when it comes to knowing and experiencing true love. I don't think it was intentionally, though. However, I do know that there is a part of me still searching within for that hidden treasure I have not tapped into completely. I've, throughout my life experiences, had frequent encounters with true love, no doubt. Frequent isn't good enough for me anymore! I don't believe true love is something that can be taught by our parents, teachers, etc. Meaning, it's not wise for me to live my life and build a relationship based upon my parents relationship or lifestyle. I've done it and that's why they've all failed. I do think that if based upon biblical principles, we can use other people's experiences as a foundation, but build with what we accept to be true as far as our own identity is concerned. The rest will be revealed!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Real Love!

Are you really experiencing "REAL LOVE"? Self love comes first. It knows no comparison. Only ego lives through comparison. There is no division in love. There is no relationship in love; for two lovers melt into each other and become one. This is the mystery of love unfolding.
Falling in love is just that......falling. How many people do you know felt pleasure when they fell? Love is elevation to a new discovery of the one you are with and even reveals somethings about you/me that need adjusting to get out of self and into oneness with the other person who we are involved with.

Love never ends! So, if you have ever been with someone and you say, "we were in love", then you would still be together.