Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let Love Flow and E-Go!

Many people will never encounter love for the fear of getting hurt. So they go through life in a vicious cycle of falseness. This is the mask of the ego that covers to "guard the heart" so to speak. A mask is used as a covering to disguise, conceal or hide the real true nature of you and I, that divine spark of the Most High God that everyone alive shares as individual beings, but it is ALL ONE! So, therefore the ego, E=Edges; G=God; O=Out. Then one functions in doubt, anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, guilt, shame, anger, rage, jealousy, envy, deceit, on and on and on. God is nothing more than Love being open and connected to universal intelligence of infinite wisdom. In trusting this and our oneness with it, we are free to know that every true desire of our heart has its destiny awaiting for us to take the action of faith towards it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

True Love Isn't Built on Past Experiences!

I've been dealt a slack hand when it comes to knowing and experiencing true love. I don't think it was intentionally, though. However, I do know that there is a part of me still searching within for that hidden treasure I have not tapped into completely. I've, throughout my life experiences, had frequent encounters with true love, no doubt. Frequent isn't good enough for me anymore! I don't believe true love is something that can be taught by our parents, teachers, etc. Meaning, it's not wise for me to live my life and build a relationship based upon my parents relationship or lifestyle. I've done it and that's why they've all failed. I do think that if based upon biblical principles, we can use other people's experiences as a foundation, but build with what we accept to be true as far as our own identity is concerned. The rest will be revealed!